180 research outputs found

    The latin american international management strategy: the food industry case

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    The historic expansion of capitalism knew an enlargement in time and space since the end of the last century. Combining a set of globalization advantages, it generated a deeper integration and interdependence in world economy which lead to the merger of historically distinct and separated markets into an enormous global market. And, at the same time, making it more favorable for firms to cross borders and facilitating their global production and sales of products and services. Since then, many authors have been working on different international management strategies theorization. Despite the existence of many scientific articles, the vast majority of these only cover the companies’ experiences from developed markets. Otherwise, since the beginning of this new millennium, the emerging markets form the engine of world economic growth and a lot of multinationals from these countries begun to go global and assume strategic presences outside their natural markets, experiencing the most different internationalization processes. This investigation intends to analyze this tendency, looking specifically to the companies’ path from Latin American, and to understand which strategy these companies have been following to become global. Based on existing international strategy models and perspectives, we set out the analysis of seven case studies about Latin American food industry companies which will allow us to recognize which is the international strategy followed by each firm, how they organize their operations abroad in terms of multidivisional structures, what is the role of people in their internationalization processes, and how their financial partners look to this new reality.A expansão histórica do capitalismo conheceu um alargamento no espaço e no tempo desde os finais do último século. A partir de um conjunto de valências positivas da globalização, gerou-se uma maior integração e interdependência da economia mundial dando origem à fusão de mercados historicamente distintos e separados num imenso mercado global, fazendo simultaneamente as empresas atravessarem fronteiras e facilitando-lhes a produção e venda global de produtos e serviços. Desde então, diversos autores têm-se dedicado à teorização de diferentes estratégias de gestão internacional. Apesar dos numerosos artigos científicos existentes, a sua grande maioria incide apenas sobre as experiências de empresas provenientes de mercados desenvolvidos. Todavia, no começo no novo milénio, os mercados emergentes tornaram-se os motores do crescimento da economia mundial e muitas empresas multinacionais destes países começam a globalizar-se e a assumir presenças estratégicas fora dos seus mercados naturais, experienciando os mais diferentes processos de internacionalização. Este estudo pretende analisar essa tendência, olhando especificamente para o trajeto das empresas provenientes da região da América Latina, e perceber que estratégia é que estas têm seguido para se tornarem globais. Baseando-nos nos modelos e perspetivas de estratégia internacional existentes, partimos para a análise de sete estudos de caso de empresas latino-americanas no sector alimentar que nos permitirão conhecer qual a estratégia internacional seguida por cada uma delas, qual a organização multidivisional utilizada nas suas operações internacionais, qual o papel dos recursos humanos nos seus processos de internacionalização, e como olham os seus parceiros financeiros para esta nova realidade

    Fused Classification For Differential Face Morphing Detection

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    Face morphing, a sophisticated presentation attack technique, poses significant security risks to face recognition systems. Traditional methods struggle to detect morphing attacks, which involve blending multiple face images to create a synthetic image that can match different individuals. In this paper, we focus on the differential detection of face morphing and propose an extended approach based on fused classification method for no-reference scenario. We introduce a public face morphing detection benchmark for the differential scenario and utilize a specific data mining technique to enhance the performance of our approach. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in detecting morphing attacks.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Personalization through a proactive live chat in an e-commerce: The case of Byside’s client, a multinational retail company

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    Retail e-commerce companies currently struggle in managing and optimizing the performance of a proactive live chat software application. It is assumed by companies present in the sector that providing personalized assistance to online visitors brings positive outcomes, however, there is no scientific evidence in this field to prove this assumption. This research aims to bring new insights into the contribution personalization can have regarding the performance of this app. Specifically, it investigates whether increasing personalization on the provided assistance to the online visitor has an impact on the number and value of influenced checkouts. To test the hypothesis that providing more personalized assistance to the online visitor through this application leads to increased sales, the performance results of this app in the Croatian market of a multinational retail client were analyzed. Two five-month periods were observed, one providing nonpersonalized assistance and the other with personalized assistance for online visitors, the results of both periods were analyzed using three independent samples t-tests. The outcomes showed a statistically significant positive effect of the personalized assistance in the application performance results. These results suggest that online visitors who received personalized assistance are more likely to proceed to the checkout funnel and complete the purchase and to perform checkouts with a higher value. On this basis, personalization should be considered when managing or optimizing proactive live chat campaigns in retail e-commerce. The thesis is finalized by outlining its limitations and proposing new avenues of research

    Impact of Image Context for Single Deep Learning Face Morphing Attack Detection

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    The increase in security concerns due to technological advancements has led to the popularity of biometric approaches that utilize physiological or behavioral characteristics for enhanced recognition. Face recognition systems (FRSs) have become prevalent, but they are still vulnerable to image manipulation techniques such as face morphing attacks. This study investigates the impact of the alignment settings of input images on deep learning face morphing detection performance. We analyze the interconnections between the face contour and image context and suggest optimal alignment conditions for face morphing detection.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Pimenta N.M., Cortez-Pinto H., Melo X., Silva-Nunes J., Sardinha L.B. & Santa-Clara H. (2017) Waist-to-height ratio is independently related to whole and central body fat, regardless of the waist circumference measurement protocol, in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. J Hum Nutr Diet. 30, 185–192, which has been published in final form atdoi: 10.1111/jhn.12410. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.Background: Waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) has been reported as a prefer-able risk related body fat (BF) marker, although no standardised waistcircumference measurement protocol (WCmp) has been proposed. Thepresent study aimed to investigate whether the use of a different WCmpaffects the strength of relationship between WHtR and both whole andcentral BF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients.Methods: BF was assessed with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in28 NAFLD patients [19 males, mean (SD) 51 (13) years and nine females,47 (13) years]. All subjects also underwent anthropometric evaluationincluding height and waist circumference (WC) measurement using fourdifferent WCmp (WC1, minimal waist; WC2, iliac crest; WC3, mid-distancebetween iliac crest and lowest rib; WC4, at the umbilicus) and WHtR wascalculated using each WC measurements (WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 andWHtR4, respectively). Partial correlations were conducted to assess the rela-tion of WHtR and DXA assessed BF.Results: All WHtR were particularly correlated with central BF, includingabdominal BF (r = 0.80, r = 0.84, r = 0.84 and r = 0.78, respectively, forWHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3 and WHtR4) and central abdominal BF (r = 0.72,r = 0.77, r = 0.76 and r = 0.71, respectively, for WHtR1, WHtR2, WHtR3and WHtR4), after controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There wereno differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between allstudied WHtR and each whole and central BF variable.Conclusions: Waist-to-height ratio was found a suitable BF marker in thepresent sample of NAFLD patients and the strength of the relationshipbetween WHtR and both whole and central BF was not altered by usingdifferent WCmp in the present sample of NAFLD patients.FUNDING SOURCES The first author of this paper was supported by a research grant (PhD scholarship) from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). The present study was funded by: the Centre for the Study of Human Performance, Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização do impacte das descargas da ETAR de Proença-a-Nova na ribeira da Pracana

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    Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Infra-Estruturas de Construção Civil.A Ribeira da Pracana é um importante afluente do Rio Ocreza. O Rio Ocreza, localizado no centro de Portugal tem origem numa importante serra chamada Serra da Gardunha. Inicia-se a 1160 metros de altitude e estende-se por 80 km até desaguar no Rio Tejo. Contempla várias ribeiras e afluentes ao longo dos quais existem várias aldeias rurais. As águas da Ribeira da Pracana têm um papel importante por ser abundantemente utilizada na agricultura, a principal actividade económica dessas comunidades, e para o consumo humano. É de crucial importância caracterizar, monitorizar e controlar o impacte das descargas das Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais, na qualidade da água. Este estudo centra-se na Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais de Proença-a-Nova, que descarrega directamente na Ribeira da Freixada, um afluente da Ribeira da Pracana. Foram recolhidas doze amostras de água, georreferenciadas, entre o ponto de descarga de efluentes residuais e a confluência com a Ribeira da Pracana. A jusante, foram identificadas entradas secundárias e recolhidas amostras de água em distâncias aproximadamente iguais. Foram realizadas campanhas de amostragem durante três épocas distintas ao longo do ano hidrológico de 2009/2010: inverno chuvoso (Janeiro), condições temperadas (Março) e estação seca (Junho). Os parâmetros químicos analisados foram: a carência bioquímica de oxigénio (CBO5), a carência química de oxigénio (CQO), a concentração de oxigénio dissolvido (OD), o resíduo seco, o Fósforo Total (Ptotal), o Azoto Total (Ntotal), o pH, a temperatura e parâmetros microbiológicos. A concentração de oxigénio dissolvido (OD), a carência bioquímica de oxigénio (CBO5) e os parâmetros microbiológicos foram usados como indicadores da presença de matéria orgânica no corpo de água, e como parâmetros para avaliar a poluição ambiental. Foi realizada uma simulação para a qualidade da água na Ribeira da Pracana pela aplicação de um modelo hidrodinâmico de dispersão de água. Este modelo de qualidade da água foi construído recorrendo ao software QUAL2Kw.ABSTRACT: The Pracana River is an important tributary of the Ocreza River. The Ocreza River is located in Central Portugal and has it source in an important Alpine chain called Gardunha. It starts at 1160 m altitude and stretches for 80 km until draining into the Tagus River. It has several creeks and tributaries along which there are several rural villages. The Pracana's waters has an important role by being abundantly used in agriculture, the main economic activity of these communities, and for human consumption. Characterization, monitoring and control of the impact due to several Wastewaters Treatment Plant discharges on water quality is of crucial importance. This study focuses on the Proença-a-Nova Wastewater Treatment Plant, which discharges directly into the Freixada River, a Pracana’s tributary. Twelve georeferenced water samples were collected between the sewage effluent discharge and the Pracana river confluence. Secondary inflows were identified and water samples collected downstream at approximately equal distances. Sampling campaigns were conducted during three different hydrological periods in 2009/2010: rainy winter (January), intermediate conditions (March) and dry season (June). The following chemical parameters were analyzed: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), dry residue, total phosphorus (Ptotal), total nitrogen (Ntotal), pH, temperature and microbiological parameters. The dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and the microbiological parameters were used as indicators for the presence of organic matter in the body of water, and as parameters for evaluating the environmental pollution. The simulation for the water quality in the Pracana river was performed by a coupled hydrodynamic and water dispersion model. The water quality model was constructed applying to QUAL2kw software

    Evaluation of marginal discrepancy on all-ceramic crowns manufactured by CAD/CAM versus conventional methods

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    Tese de mestrado, Medicina Dentária, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, 2015Introduction: The marginal integrity of a dental prosthesis can determine longevity and predictability. This gap is important because the amount of space will determine the amount of possible cement dissolution. Margin inaccuracy can lead to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria, the dissolution of luting material, and the introduction of unfavorable inflammation or the periodontal tissues. With the introduction of new technologies to fabricate dental ceramic crowns (CAD/CAM), marginal fit is a valuable way to determine the prognosis of the restoration in comparison to the more conventional methods. Objectives: The objective of this work was to review the current literature in regards of the marginal gap/fit of all-ceramic crowns manufactured by conventional methods (Heat-Pressing and Slip-Casting) versus digital methods (CAD/CAM). Materials and Methods: A research on PubMed electronic database was conducted for articles with the following combination of key words: (discrepancy or fit or gaps or adaptation) and (disilicate or ceramic) and (copings or crowns). The studies considered for this research were in English from peer-reviewed publications that focused on the evaluation of the marginal fit in ceramic single crowns. Results: An overall review of the data retrieved for marginal gap showed that 86.8% of the values measured were less than or equal to 120 μm described by McLean and Von Fraunhofer. The widest marginal gap measured was 180 μm, and the smallest was 17 μm. CAD/CAM ceramic crowns showed, an overall, better marginal fit than conventional crowns. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, the digital method seems to be a legitimate alternative to the traditional methods. Analysis of the results of this study suggested that the digital method exceeds the standards of clinical acceptability and can sometimes surpass the vertical marginal fit of conventionally fabricated crowns

    The acute effect of maximal exercise on central and peripheral arterial stiffness indices and hemodynamics in children and adults

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    Xavier Melo is supported by a research grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal (grant: SFRH/ BD/ 70515/ 2010). Nuno M. Pimenta is cofinanced by national funds through the Programa Operacional do Alentejo 2007-2013 (ALENT-07-0262- FEDER-001883)This study compared the effects of a bout of maximal running exercise on arterial stiffness in children and adults. Right carotid blood pressure and artery stiffness indices measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV), compliance and distensibility coefficients, stiffness index α and β (echo-tracking), contralateral carotid blood pressure, and upper and lower limb and central/aortic PWV (applanation tonometry) were taken at rest and 10 min after a bout of maximal treadmill running in 34 children (7.38 ± 0.38 years) and 45 young adults (25.22 ± 0.91 years) having similar aerobic potential. Two-by-two repeated measures analysis of variance and analysis of covariance were used to detect differences with exercise between groups. Carotid pulse pressure (PP; η(2) = 0.394) increased more in adults after exercise (p < 0.05). Compliance (η(2) = 0.385) decreased in particular in adults and in those with high changes in distending pressure, similarly to stiffness index α and β. Carotid PWV increased more in adults and was related to local changes in PP but not mean arterial pressure (MAP). Stiffness in the lower limbs decreased (η(2) = 0.115) but apparently only in those with small MAP changes (η(2) = 0.111). No significant exercise or group interaction effects were found when variables were adjusted to height. An acute bout of maximal exercise can alter arterial stiffness and hemodynamics in the carotid artery and within the active muscle beds. Arterial stiffness and hemodynamic response to metabolic demands during exercise in children simply reflect their smaller body size and may not indicate a particular physiological difference compared with adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Waist circumference in Liver Disease

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    Background Central fat accumulation is important in Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) etiology. It is unknown weather any commonly used waist circumference (WC) measurement protocol (mp), as whole and central fat accumulation marker, is preferable for patients with NAFLD. The present study sought to find a preferable WC mp to be used in patients with NAFLD, based on three-fold criterion. Material and methods Body fat (BF) was assessed through Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) in 28 patients with NAFLD (19 males, 51 + 13 yrs, and 9 females, 47 + 13 yrs). WC was measured using four different WC mp (WC1-narrowest torso, WC2- just above iliac crest, WC3- mid-distance between iliac crest and last rib and WC4- at the umbilicus). Results All WC measurements were highly correlated particularly with central BF depots, including trunk BF (r=0.78; r=0.82; r=0.82; r=0.84; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) abdominal BF (r=0.78; r=0.78; r=0.80; r=0.72; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4) and central abdominal BF (r=0.76; r=0.77; r=0.78; r=0.68; respectively for WC1, WC2, WC3 and WC4), controlling for age, sex and body mass index. There were no differences between the correlation coefficients obtained between all studied WC measurements and each whole and central analyzed BF variable. Conclusion All studied WC mp seem suitable for use in patients with NAFLD, particularly as central BF clinical assessment tool, though not interchangeably. Hence biological and precision criteria alone did not sanction the superiority of any WC mp. Practical criteria may endorse WC measured at the iliac crest.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysing the effects of different types of exercise on dyspnoea and fatigue in adults through COPD - systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials

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    Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous lung condition, the main symptoms of which are dyspnoea and fatigue. Though exercise has been recommended for subjects with COPD, its benefits remain unclear. The aim of this study was to summarise, through a systematic review and meta-analysis, the available evidence on the effects of aerobic, resistance, stretching, and combined exercise on the main symptoms of COPD. Methods: Search was performed using the electronic databases PubMed and Web of Science. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) with interventions based on aerobic, resistance and/or combined exercise published until July 2022 were identified. The effects were summarised based on standardised mean differences (95% confidence intervals) using random and fixed effect models. Results: Eight studies were selected, including a total of 375 subjects. The results obtained showed that resistance exercise, aerobic exercise and combined exercise seem to improve dyspnoea and fatigue symptoms in COPD subjects. Conclusions: In general, we can conclude that exercise-based interventions appear to improve the main COPD symptoms and may benefit quality of life in this population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio